It can be hard for our students to find the right tools to learn Chinese. We've put together a list of some of our recommended free tools to learn Chinese.
This time we're trying Sichuan food, also known as Szechuan food. Known for its spiciness, Sichuan cuisine uses a lot of garlic and chili peppers.
Next week we're will be hiking the Great Wall of China. We'll go from Jiankou Great Wall, “Wild Great Wall,” to the more restored section in Mutianyu.
Volunteering opportunity in Beijing. CAI is a leading volunteer-based, non-profit organization working to improve the lives of migrant children in China.
Hutong School is happy to invite you all to September’s Welcome Party next Friday. We're holding a free party in order to welcome all our new students.
Registration for the HSK exam must be handed in before Thursday October 3rd. A photocopy of your passport, two passport photos and the registration fee.