Hutong School

Posts by Hutong School:

Life in China – The game changed when I started to speak Chinese

One moment that I clearly remember during the months I lived in China is the day that I was able to break the language barrier, I started to speak Chinese.

30 Aug 2012

Hutong School Cultural Activities: Seal Carving and Sugar Painting

Hutong School organizes cultural activities several times a week for its students and their friends, ranging from seal carving to sugar painting classes.

24 Aug 2012

We are hiring!

We are hiring! Soon we will face a lot of IT challenges and we will be flooded with IT related projects, so we will need an IT mastermind!

21 Aug 2012

Weird Cooking in China: Food for Thought

An ancient Cantonese saying about cooking in China goes 'Anything that walks, swims, crawls or flies is edible'. Read here about weird Chinese foods.

16 Aug 2012

Hutong School Cultural Activities: Movie Nights and Kung Fu Lessons

Hutong School organizes cultural activities several times a week for all its students and their friends, ranging from movie nights to kung fu lessons.

10 Aug 2012

The Dying Art of Handwritten Chinese

In an increasingly computerized world with a pinyin system, handwritten Chinese is decreasing. Luckily, practices like Chinese calligraphy can survive.

7 Aug 2012