Isabelle Demeunynck

Posts by Isabelle Demeunynck:

Dating Apps in China

Ready to find love in China? Or maybe you need a replacement for you current partner? Here are the most popular ways to find love in China - via dating apps

19 Jul 2017

Chinese Football

Chinese football has been on the rise recently, and President Xi Jinping has made clear that he wants to see his country as a world football superpower.

12 Jul 2017

Student Blogging

Emma is an American student in Shanghai who is following the Intensive Chinese Program at Hutong School. She told us about the difference between Hong Kong

5 Jul 2017

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming To China

Coming to China can be a bit daunting and confusing, especially if you don't know anyone who has done it before. Here are 10 things our students wish they

28 Jun 2017

Using Chinese words in English

When in China you might have learned Chinese words that don't have an English equivalent. When you return home, you might find yourself in quite a pickle.

21 Jun 2017