Mark Lore

Posts by Mark Lore:

Guestblog: 7 Ways to Save Money in China If You're a Student

Wondering how to stay on budget when studying in China? Our guest blog this week shares 7 valuable tips for making your money last in the Middle Kingdom.

13 Jun 2018

Expat Young Professionals Panel Recap

Hutong School Shanghai's young professional's event was a huge success! Over drinks and tapas, our panelists dished out loads of great advice and anecdotes.

30 May 2018

Millennial to Millennial: Meet our Panel!

We sat down with the panel members of our upcoming young professionals' event to learn a bit more about what makes them tick and why those chose China.

16 May 2018

Hutong School Alumni Stories: From Shanghai to Marrakesh

In this week's blog post we have an interview with Delphine, a Hutong School alumni who updates us on her recent adventures in Morocco.

3 May 2018

8 MUST-TRY Street Food Snacks in China

Check out our list of 8 iconic snacks you NEED to try when you're in China, featuring regional specialties from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shaanxi, Wuhan and more!

26 Apr 2018

The 10 People You'll Meet in China

If you've spent any amount of time in China, you've undoubtedly met some (if not all) of these colorful characters. Let us know your favorites!

18 Apr 2018