The Department of Immigration acts as the Australian Visa Bureau.  A Visa Bureau may be the standard term internationally but when applying for an Australian visa, you’ll need to contact the federal Department of Immigration.

When you are looking to work and/or live in Australia, a suitable visa must be applied for and granted.  With over 150 different visas available depending on your particular requirements and situation, the need to contact the Australian’s version of a visa bureau or visa office is a must.

The application process managed by the Department of Immigration can be rather complicated and confusing and may result in a lengthy and costly process.  The key is to avoid common visa application problems, and to know when the need to call upon an Immigration lawyer is paramount.


Australian visa office services

The Australian visa application process is complex and with the Government regularly upgrading and tightening rules and regulations, it’s essential that applicants not only understand the rules but also keep abreast of the legalities.  That’s where the Australian visa office, or Department of Immigration can help with concerns related to a visa application or citizenship enquiry.


Common visa application problems and how to avoid them

Given the complexity of the Australian visa application process, never underestimate the importance of ticking all the right boxes and completing the forms correctly in the first place.  There are a range of common problems regularly encountered which result in the rejection of applications or lengthy delays. Knowing what they are ahead of time might just help you in the long run and ensure a much smoother application process.


Insufficient paperwork submitted to the bureau

For whatever reason, where applicants fail to submit the required evidence or paperwork with their application, the visa office is unable to complete the process and it may be rejected.

Incorrect paperwork

Navigating the applications can be tricky and misunderstanding the legal criteria can result in the submission of incorrect paperwork. Accidently submitting the wrong form of evidence can delay the process or result in an unfavourable outcome.

Existing issues with the law

Granting visas is not done light heartedly.  Those who may have had a run in with the law or have a blemished character could see an application terminated before it has even been granted. A clean history is more valuable than you realise.

Getting the timing right

Processing Australian visa applications takes time and depending on the visa being applied for, different time constraints apply.  It is worthwhile being aware of this and whilst some may simply take days to be reviewed, others can take months.  The sooner you can get your paperwork together and submit it for consideration the better. Giving yourself as much lead time as possible will ensure you aren’t disappointed when the clock ticks down and you run out of time.


Should you call an Australian Immigration lawyer?

The visa bureau reports that there are hundreds of Australian visa applications rejected each year due to a wide range of issues.  Arguably, many instances may have been avoided with the appropriate legal guidance and assistance right from the start.

Whilst you do not need to use a migration agent to lodge your particular visa application, they can provide enormous benefits.

In Australia, an Immigration lawyer, or migration agent is someone who offers immigration assistance, for a fee, and is knowledgeable in the migration procedures.

The preparation of an Australian visa application should never simply be processes of filling in forms and ticking all the right boxes.  It’s essential that you understand exactly what information you are legally required to disclose and what you legally do not have to share.

When the process remains cloudy, a call to an Immigration lawyer may be your best bet.  Calling upon the assistance of an Immigration lawyer is not only a smart idea before you first submit your application, but in the event that you are unsuccessful.

Contacting a migration agent will ensure that your application is not only completed correctly, without any unsuspecting missing information, but it will also ensure your application has the best chance of success.  Rejected applications cause frustration and can be a very costly exercise for the applicant so getting it right the first time is the way to go.

An Immigration lawyer can offer assistance for a number of cases:

  • Unsure of legal jargon:  Is your visa application form full of legalese and you find yourself making assumptions about its meaning?
  • Visa application rejected: Was your application rejected and you are not exactly sure why or what further information you are required to submit?
  • Overstay visa conditions:  Have you been brought up on immigration charges for overstaying a visa or possibly entering the country on an incorrect visa?


How to find an Immigration Lawyer who can help

If you are seeking the services of an Immigration lawyer to help with an Australian visa application, be mindful that anyone who claims to be able to offer you migration advice in Australian must be a registered migration agent with the Office of the Migrant Agents Registration Authority (OMARA).

Put your trust in someone who will deal directly with the Department of Immigration on your behalf.  Experience and qualifications are essential, especially when you are seeking a positive outcome.

The fee charged for their service can vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for, the complexity or level of service your particular situation needs and any other mitigating circumstances.

If you have had your visa application rejected and you cannot quite work out why, or you simply feel the paperwork is too complex to even contemplate, don’t waste anymore precious time and risk having little or no chance of success in any future with subsequent visa applications.

Contact the experts in migration and you can be sure that your individual needs and requirements will be addressed confidentially and professionally.  Get the results you are after.

Want to know more? Contact Results Migration today for more information about how they can help you.

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